Bona 6" Steel Plates (set of 4)

Product ID: BONA-AX0003562

MFG: Bona
MFG Part Number: AX0003562

Available Stock: 6
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$138.38 / Set of 4
Key benefits:
*Essential for creating the flattest floor possible
*Complements the Bona Wire Brush system and reduces the chance of any dish-out on final sanding
*Great for removing chatter using either the Bona Power Drive or Bona MultiDisc
Combines the traditional hard-plating technique with newer multi-directional sanding.

Bona Steel Plates are designed to offer a true hard-plating option during the sanding process, combining the traditional hard-plating technique with newer multi-directional sanding. Specifically created for contractors who rely on the flattest possible sanding systems for their customers, they help remove chatter and prevent dish-out on any surface. Steel Plates are also available in 6 x 5”.

Come with Hook and Loop, to be used with the Bona Power Drive® or the Bona MultiDisc.