/Wood Flooring Products/Abrasives/Orbital Discs/5"/Norton Hook & Loop discs, 5" X 0, P60 grit, Red Heat, Best, (ceramic alumina)

Norton Hook & Loop discs, 5" X 0, P60 grit, Red Heat, Best, (ceramic alumina)

Product ID: NO40811-9

MFG: Norton
MFG Part Number: 662544-40811-9

Available Stock: 300
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Compatible with 5" hook and loop orbital sanders, and buffer attachments like the Bona Multi Disc and American Sanders HydraSand.
Finest Scratch Pattern in the Industry -
Norton's revolutionary Red Heat technology has taken surface smoothness to unprecedented levels. The unique patented grain used in Red Heat products give incredible cutting power while leaving virtually no scratch pattern. Perfect for the contractor who is seeking the perfectly smooth floor.