/Wood Flooring Products/Abrasives/Sheet Paper/12" X 18"/Norton PSA Durite paper, 12" X 18" sheets, #100, silicon carbide, Good

Norton PSA Durite paper, 12" X 18" sheets, #100, silicon carbide, Good

Product ID: NO22409-3

MFG: Norton
MFG Part Number: 662611-22409-3

Available Stock: 20 / EA
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*Abrasive : Silicon Carbide
*Attachment : Pressure Sensitive Adhesive
*Backing Material : E-wt. Paper
*Abrasive Type : Coated

Compatible with square buffers running a 12" by 18" plate such as the American Sanders OBS-18 and OBS-18 DC.
Pair your orbital floor sander with Durite H425 medium grit paper PSA floor sanding sheets for all phases of small jobs and to produce top-quality finishes. Engineered using a 100-percent silicon carbide abrasive, this paper is great for general sanding of and removing deep scratches from hard woods and veneers. Featuring strong E- and F-weight backing and a high-quality pressure-sensitive adhesive, this paper resists tearing and eliminates the need for manual clamping.