/Wood Flooring Products/Hardwood Flooring/Flooring Accessories/Vents/Maple/Unfinished Maple Insert Vent, 4" X 10" (duct) Trimline style
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Unfinished Maple Insert Vent, 4" X 10" (duct) Trimline style

Product ID: G4X10MAI-T

MFG: Grillworks

Available Stock: 14
Selected accessories will also be added to cart
$33.12 / EA
Insert vents are designed with a solid, self rimming lip to conceal inexact cuts in your surface material. Easy slide damper or adjustable box damper also available.
Select any of the accessories below to purchase them with this inventory item:
* Free area: 15 Square Inches
* OAD: 5 7/16" X 11-7/16"
* Beveled Bi-Directional Louvers
* Made in the USA